About me

My name is Blair Walker. I have a consultancy and degree in emergency management, I was volunteer firefighter, I’ve worked in complex humanitarian crisis zones, I’m a passionate outdoors person, accomplished athlete, passionate traveller, and I’m a loving husband and dad.  Believe me, I see the value that better preparedness brings all of us and this is why I make the effort to explore and present this material.

Over the decades, I’ve also had and have worked on some major crises to learn from and make me appreciate that preparedness pays off.

Better Preparedness is your source of information, tutorials and products to help prevent, prepare and respond to life’s emergencies and crises, and potential disasters.  Being proactive is a reassuring way of life. 

Generally, what “we” do ahead of emergencies and disasters is the most important determinant as to the severity of the outcome and how we managed it.  If one takes the time to be proactive, we can identify many of our hazards and risks, perhaps avoid those risks, and importantly be better prepared, equipped, and knowledgeable when faced with those risks and challenges.

My goal is to provide you the preparedness skills, confidence and if you are missing important safety gear, I’ve addressed that too.  I have developed a solid inventory of products available through Amazon.

What I list on this site

I list items viewed as suitable for most people.  Always, always assess whether an item or idea is right for you, your family size, legal obligations, your likely risks, your environment, your ability, your training, etc…

If you do not know how to use an item or to perform a skill, please take a course, do research on how to properly and safely use that item or perform that skill, and practice however possible.

Use of affiliate links?

I am a participant in the Amazon Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to Amazon and affiliated sites.  There is no additional cost to you.  Any affiliate earnings help me cover the costs of Better Preparedness.


I cannot emphasize enough that you are you and I am me.  Your requirements will differ from whatever you learn, read or take away from this website, YouTube channel, and any material provided.  Do your research and ensure what and how you do is based on you.  Always learn, test, and improve.  I will not be held responsible for your actions or lack of actions.