Supporting Women’s Pro Sports to Promote Active Living | South African Road Cycling Championships

Yes, we can try to fix health we’ve broken or neglected. But what if we promote active living, women’s professional sports, and gender equality? Maybe we can promote and improve all three at once, and obtain good health. Join me for the awesome Women’s Road Race at the 2019 South African Cycling Championships.

This is Better Preparedness from a life long approach. I believe we can reverse the rates of lifestyle and diet related health issues.

If we, as parents, take our girls and boys to women’s elite level cycling, football, martial arts, swimming, cross-country skiing, rowing, … whatever the sport, I think we will foster new generations of healthy and active living girls and boys, not only in their youth but also throughout their lives.

The pro peleton reaching the top of the climb on lap 2.

The internet also needs to enter the 21st century and do better in the coverage of women’s professional sports. If there is coverage of women’s events, female athletes, or of the women’s portion of an event, it’s always buried and a fraction of the men’s coverage. For this, we can demand that media sites and outlets do better, and provide more fair airtime.

The climb, heat and pace required a big dig to stay in the pack.

The 2019 South African Road Cycling Championships were held in Pretoria, South Africa. The Road Race was about a 10km loop that straddled a ridge and involved passing in front of the famous Union Buildings (official seat of government and home of the Office of the President) on each lap. My children, an Austrian cow bell, and I chose the top of the big climb and just before the feed zone. Teams, friends and families can hand fresh water bottles and gels within this zone. For a day of well over +30C, the riders needed the frequent resupply!

In the midday heat, the spectators cheered on the pros and the age group racers.

The 136km (85miles) Elite Women’s race was won by Ashleigh MOOLMAN PASIO, followed by Juanita VENTER and Joanna VAN DE WINKEL. Well done!

The feed zone gave the athletes a chance to take on new bottles, gels or swap wheels if they have wheel issues.

What are some of your favourite websites for coverage of women in sport and women’s sporting events? Add to the comments below.

Here are some other Better Preparedness articles. Enjoy!

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